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The Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation (CARF) CARF Provides Patients with Hope & Support

The Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation (CARF) started as a grassroots effort to raise funds to study cicatricial alopecia disorder. The mission of this wonderful organization is to provide education and patient support for those impacted by scarring, inflammatory, permanent hair loss as well as to raise public awareness and advance research. Most importantly, CARF provides hope that one day there will be a cure and better treatments for this little understood disease.

A CARF patient support group meets locally in the Boston area at least two times a year.  Meetings are open and free to attend and they provide many benefits to patients suffering from cicatricial alopecia.

The group recently met on June 4th at The Brigham and Women’s Ambulatory Care Center where I was fortunate enough to attend, along with my assistant and stylist Samantha Duthely. We were invited to discuss the different solutions my salon offers women for hair loss as well as introduce Wigs for Well-Being, my non-profit that provides wigs for women undergoing medical treatment. We wanted to thank everyone for their questions about wigs and other hair replacement solutions and hope we were able to provide you with helpful information.

Upcoming scheduled meeting dates for CARF include September 24, 2017, January 8, 2018, April 8, 2018, and June 3, 2018.

If you or someone you know is interested in joining CARF, click here. By joining CARF, you’ll have access their physician referral list, attend local support groups like the one we went to, receive newsletters on important information, and get notification of upcoming patient-doctor conferences.

If you would like more information about the hair replacement solutions that The Salon at 10 Newbury offers, please call us at 617-247-4900 or email us at We have over 20 years of experience in women’s hair replacement and offer private consultations. We specialize in the selection and fitting of high quality wigs and hair pieces and will make you feel comfortable and confident.


The Salon at 10 Newbury
10 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116

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